Scalp Micropigmentation

Discover the transformative power of Scalp Micropigmentation at J NU U. Our expertly delivered, non-surgical solution offers a natural-looking, fuller hairline, effectively camouflaging thinning areas and baldness for both men and women. Regain confidence with every glance.

a bald man with a beard is wearing a blue shirt .
a man is getting a tattoo on his head while wearing black gloves .

Understanding Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) stands as a groundbreaking, non-invasive treatment for hair loss, offering a cosmetic tattooing solution that replicates the appearance of hair follicles. By employing fine micro-needles, skilled practitioners meticulously deposit pigment into the scalp's upper dermis. This precision technique not only creates the illusion of a denser hairline but also effectively masks areas of thinning, bald spots, and scarring, seamlessly blending with your natural hair color and pattern. The result? A convincingly fuller head of hair that enhances your overall appearance and boosts self-esteem, without the downtime or maintenance of traditional hair restoration methods.

a woman is getting her hair examined by a doctor .
a person is drawing a line on a man 's head with a marker .

Benefits of Choosing SMP at J NU U

Unparalleled Precision

Scalp Micropigmentation at J NU U offers unmatched precision, enabling the creation of a hairline that perfectly suits your facial structure and desired look. Our experts craft subtle, natural results that seamlessly blend with your existing hair.

Minimal Downtime

Unlike surgical hair restoration methods, SMP by J NU U boasts minimal downtime. Clients can typically return to their daily routines immediately, making it an ideal solution for those seeking significant aesthetic improvements without the inconvenience of a long recovery period.

Long-Lasting Results

Our Scalp Micropigmentation services provide long-lasting results, requiring only occasional touch-ups to maintain their appearance. This low-maintenance approach means you can enjoy a fuller-looking hairline without the constant upkeep associated with other hair loss treatments.

Is SMP Right for You?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a versatile solution designed for individuals facing hair loss, thinning hair, or scalp scarring, regardless of gender. It's particularly beneficial for those seeking a non-invasive, low-maintenance alternative to traditional hair restoration methods. Concerns about pain are common; however, most clients report minimal discomfort during the procedure, often less than traditional tattooing, thanks to advanced techniques and equipment. Pigment fading can occur over time, but touch-up sessions help maintain the desired look. SMP is suitable for all skin types, though individual consultation is crucial to address specific needs and ensure optimal results. Booking a personalized consultation is the first step towards determining if SMP is the ideal solution for you.

a man with a shaved head has a line drawn on it .
a man is getting a tattoo on his head .

What to Expect During Your SMP Treatment

The journey to revitalizing your hairline with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) at J NU U begins with an initial consultation, where your specific needs and goals are discussed. Preparation instructions are provided to ensure your scalp is ready for the procedure. During each session, which may vary in number based on your unique case, a skilled technician uses micro-needles to carefully deposit pigment into your scalp, creating a natural-looking hairline or adding density. Post-treatment, you'll receive comprehensive aftercare guidance to maintain the integrity of the SMP, including tips on scalp care and sun protection. Follow-up sessions might be scheduled to refine and perfect your look.


Embarking on the journey of Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a significant decision, and it's natural to have questions about the process, its benefits, and what to expect. At J NU U, we understand the importance of feeling informed and confident in your choices. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you through understanding SMP and making the best decision for your needs.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How long does Scalp Micropigmentation last?

    Scalp Micropigmentation at J NU U is celebrated for its durability and longevity, typically lasting anywhere between 4 to 6 years before a touch-up might be considered. The enduring nature of SMP is one of its most appealing attributes, allowing clients to enjoy a consistent, worry-free appearance over the years. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to environmental elements like UV rays can influence the lifespan of your SMP. To maximize the longevity of your SMP treatment, it's crucial to adhere to aftercare instructions provided by our experts. This includes applying a high-SPF sunscreen to the scalp when exposed to sunlight, avoiding abrasive scalp treatments, and maintaining a healthy scalp environment. Regular touch-ups are recommended to refresh the pigment's intensity and to make any desired adjustments to the hairline or density, ensuring your SMP remains as impactful and natural-looking as when it was first applied.

  • Is Scalp Micropigmentation painful?

    The experience of pain is highly subjective and can vary greatly from one individual to another. At J NU U, we take great care to ensure the Scalp Micropigmentation process is as comfortable as possible for our clients. The procedure involves the use of micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp, which may cause a sensation described by some as a light buzzing or tapping. While some clients report minimal discomfort, others find it easily tolerable. For those with a lower pain tolerance, we explore various methods to enhance comfort, such as applying topical numbing agents to the scalp prior to the session. Our skilled practitioners are trained to work gently and efficiently, minimizing discomfort while achieving optimal results. Client comfort and satisfaction are paramount at J NU U, and we strive to make the SMP experience positive and rewarding for everyone.

  • Can SMP be removed or altered if I change my mind?

    One of the advantages of choosing Scalp Micropigmentation at J NU U is its versatility and the ability to adjust, lighten, or remove the pigment should your preferences or circumstances change. Whether you're seeking to modify the hairline, density, or overall style of your SMP, our skilled technicians can tailor the treatment to meet your evolving aesthetic goals. Adjustments are carefully planned and executed to ensure a seamless transition to your desired outcome. In cases where complete removal is desired, specialized laser treatments are available that target and break down the SMP pigment without damaging the surrounding skin. It's important to note that altering or removing SMP is a process that requires precision and expertise. At J NU U, we provide thorough consultations to explore all available options and ensure that any changes to your SMP are approached with the utmost care and professionalism, aiming for your complete satisfaction with the final result.

  • Where is J NU U located?

    J NU U is ideally situated at 150 Carleton Drive #140-170, St. Albert, Alberta, T8N 6W2, CA, serving as a premier destination for top-quality Scalp Micropigmentation services. While we take pride in serving the local communities of Edmonton, North Edmonton, and St Albert, our reputation for excellence extends far beyond, attracting clients from across Fort Saskatchewan, Morinville, Manning, Sherwood Park, and beyond. Our commitment to providing exceptional SMP results has made us a sought-after studio for individuals seeking effective solutions for hair loss and scalp concerns, regardless of their location. For clients traveling from afar, we strive to make your visit as convenient and comfortable as possible, offering flexible scheduling options and detailed pre-visit consultations to ensure your time with us is maximally efficient and rewarding. At J NU U, everyone is welcome, and we're dedicated to offering an inclusive, supportive environment where all clients can achieve their desired outcomes with confidence.

Hear from Our Happy Clients

Transform Your Look Today: Book Your SMP Consultation

Embark on a journey to rediscover your confidence and redefine your appearance with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) at J NU U. Nestled in the heart of St. Albert, Alberta, at 150 Carleton Drive #140,170, T8N 6W2, CA, our studio is more than just a place; it's a sanctuary where transformations happen daily. While you're considering SMP, why not explore other services that can complement your new look? Our Lip Blush and Feather Brows treatments offer subtle enhancements that can redefine your features and save valuable time in your daily routine. Don't wait any longer to begin your transformation. At J NU U, we're not just changing looks; we're changing lives.

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